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Copyright Guide for Faculty: Print

Do I Need Permission?

If permission is necessary, contact the Library for assistance. This applies if you wish to exceed Fair Dealing guidelines or if the material states that it cannot be copied or distributed.

Is copying allowed? What can I copy?

As per Fair Dealing Guildeines, you are allowed to copy:

  • One chapter or up to 10% of a book (whichever is greater)
  • One article in a journal, or other periodical
  • An entire image or artistic work
  • For a complete list, refer to the Fair Dealing tab

Use of Content that is in the Public Domain

Permission is NOT required.  However, public domain does NOT mean publicly available.  Content in the public domain is content in which the copyright has expired (in Canada, this is 50 years after an author’s death).  

Statutes, Regulations, and Court Decisions

Copying the text of Canadian federal, provincial and territorial statutes, regulations, and judicial decisions is allowed (except for those of Manitoba, Quebec, and Nunavut).

BC Statutes and Regulations are covered by the Queen's Printer License.

Copying U.S. federal government materials is allowed (this material is in the public domain).

What if the work is out-of-print?

If a work is out-of-print, copyright and the Fair Dealing Guidelines still apply.  If you wish to use material from an out-of-print work, and the amount you wish to use exceeds the Fair Dealing Guidelines, a request must be made to the publisher for authorization. Contact the Library for assistance.