Dr. Adam Vaughan and Dr. Greg Anderson, JIBC Research Associates, and Bryce Stoliker, JIBC Research Sessional:
Vaughan, A., Stoliker, B. E., & Anderson, G. Building personal resilience in primary care paramedic students, and subsequent skill decay. Australasian Journal of Paramedicine, 17. https://doi.org/10.33151/ajp.17.803
Available in the JIBC Vault:
Adam Vaughan, JIBC Researcher, SFU School of Criminology, School of Criminal Justice, Texas State University, and Health Policy Fellow with the Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research has published:
Vaughan, A. D., & Andresen, M. A. (2019). The cost of mental health-related calls on police service: Evidence from British Columbia. In R. J. Mitchell & L. Huey (Eds.), Evidence based policing: An introduction (pp. 173-185). Bristol, UK: Policy Press.
JIBC Library call number: HV 7921 E85 2018
Also, an article
Vaughan, A. D., Ly, M., Andresen, M. A., Wuschke, K., Hodgkinson, T., & Campbell. (2018). Concentrations and specialization of mental health-related calls for police service. Victims & Offenders: An International Journal of Evidence-based Research, Policy, and Practice, 13(8), 1153-1170. https://doi.org/10.1080/15564886.2018.1512539
Dr. Greg Anderson, JIBC Research Associate, et al. have published:
Di Nota, P. M., Anderson, G., Ricciardelli, R., Carleton, R. N., & Groll, D. (2020). Mental disorders, suicidal ideation, plans and attempts among Canadian police. Occupational Medicine. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1093/occmed/kqaa026
Available in the JIBC Vault:
JIBC Research Associates, Dr. Greg Anderson and Dr. Adam Vaughan et al. have published:
Carleton, R. N., Afifi, T. O., Taillieu, T., Turner, S., Mason, J. E., Ricciardelli, R., McCreary, D. R., Vaughan, A., Anderson, G., Krakauer, R. L., Donnelly, E. A., Camp II, R. D., Groll, D., Cramm, H. A., MacPhee, R. S., & Griffiths, C. T. (2020). Assessing the relative impact of diverse stressors among public safety personnel. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(4), 1-25. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph17041234
Available in the JIBC Vault:
Dr. Greg Anderson et al., have published:
Anderson, G., Di Nota, P. M., Metz, G. A. S., & Andersen, J. P. (2019). The impact of acute stress physiology on skilled motor performance: implications for policing. Frontiers in Psychology, 10(2501), 1-11. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2019.02501
Available in the JIBC Vault:
Mary DeMarinis, Greg Anderson, et al., have published:
Scott, K., DeMarinis, M., Ricciardelli, R., & Anderson, G. (2019). Informing expansion of gender inclusive data collection in post-secondary education in British Columbia. Journal for the Study of Postsecondary and Tertiary Education (JSPTE), 4, 281-298. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.28945/4453
Available in the JIBC Vault:
Steven Mills has completed his thesis at Royal Roads University.
Mills, S. (2019). Using authentic conversation to open the performance box at the Justice Institute of British Columbia (Master's thesis, Royal Roads University, Victoria, BC). Victoria, BC: Royal Roads University.
JIBC Library call number: HF 5549.5 M63 M55 2019
Greg Anderson and co have published.
Carleton, R. N., Korol, S., Mason, J. E., Hozempa, K., Anderson, G. S., Jones, N. A., ...Bailey, S. (2018). A longitudinal assessment of the road to mental readiness training among municipal police. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy. Advance online publication.
Chernoff, M. (2018). Cultivating a culture of appreciation at JIBC (Master’s thesis, Royal Roads University, Victoria, BC).
JIBC Call number: HF 5549.5 M63 C44 2018
John Pyrik teaches INTL-5100 Intelligence Theories and Applications in the JIBC Graduate Certificate program.
Pherson, R. H., & Pyrik, J. (2018). Analyst's guide to indicators. Tysons, VA: Pherson Associations.
JIBC Library: JF 1525 I6 P44 2018
"This Guide provides analysts with a solid and comprehensive foundation for generating, validating, and presenting indicators. It is ... devoted to enhancing the rigor and improving the craft of analysis."
Adam Vaughan, JIBC Research Project Manager, Centre for Applied Research, JIBC.
Vaughan, A., Wuschke, K. E., Hewitt, A. N., Hodgkinson, T. K., Andresen, M. A., Brantingham, P., & Verdun-Jones, S. (2016). Variations in Mental Health Act calls to police: An analysis of hourly and intra-week patterns. Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management. Retrieved from http://www.emeraldinsight.com/doi/pdfplus/10.1108/PIJPSM-10-2016-0153
Mary DeMarinis is Director, Student Affairs & Registration.
DeMarinis, M., Beaulieu, J., Cull, I., & Abd-El-Aziz, A. (2017). A mixed-methods approach to understanding the impact of a first-year peer mentor program. Journal of the First Year Experience & Students in Transition, 29(2), 93-108. Retrieved from http://www.sc.edu/fye/journal/
Monique Gray Smith is a former instructor with the JIBC CCCS Division.
Gray Smith, M. (2017). Speaking our truth: A journey of reconciliation. Victoria, BC: Orca Book Publishers.
JIBC Library: E 78 C2 G85 2017
Guided by acclaimed Indigenous author Monique Gray Smith, readers will learn about the lives of Survivors and listen to allies who are putting the findings of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission into action.
Rod Gehl is an instructor in the LESD Program. Congratulations, Rod!
A further note from Rod:
This book is also currently with the Yunnan Police College in Kunming China and is being translated by them to Mandarin. Book through BC Campus should be available for hard copy print in the next week or so.
BC Campus Open Textbook Collection
Gehl, R., & Plecas, D. (2016). Introduction to criminal investigation: Processes, practices and thinking. Retrieved from https://pressbooks.bccampus.ca/criminalinvestigation/
Adam Vaughan, JIBC Research Project Manager, Centre for Applied Research, JIBC.
Vaughan, A. D., Hewitt, A. N., Andresen, M. A., Verdun-Jones, S., & Brantingham, P. L. (2017). The importance of gender in the spatial distribution of police interactions involving emotionally disturbed persons: An examination of call types. Policing and Society, 1-18. doi:10.1080/10439463.2017.1373110
Read the full article: http://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/T2HJUh6K8TdsstIFwrJC/full
Bowles, R. R., van Beek, C., & Anderson G. S. (2017). Four dimensions of paramedic practice in Canada: Defining and describing the profession. Australasian Journal of Paramedicine, 14(3), 1-11. Retrieved from https://ajp.paramedics.org/index.php/ajp/article/view/539/650
Guy, A., Prager, R., Turris, S., & Lund, A. (2017). Improving data quality in mass-gatherings health research. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, 32(3), 329-332. doi:10.1017/s1049023x17000139
Sheila Turris and Adam Lund are JIBC Research Associates with special interest/expertise in mass gathering medicine http://www.jibc.ca/research/research-associates
Bowles, R. (2017). Paramedicine in British Columbia: A profile of current research and operational initiatives. Ambulance Today, 2(14), 79-81. Retrieved from http://www.ambulancetoday.co.uk/Summer2017/index.html?pageNumber=79
Ambulance Today is a UK publication. The Summer 2017 issue is a special “Let’s Go Canada” edition. Read Ron Bowles’ article on current research in British Columbia.
Anderson, G. S., Vaughan, A. D., & Mills, S. (2017). Building personal resilience in paramedic students. Journal of Community Safety & Well- Being, 2(2), 1-4. Retrieved from https://www.journalcswb.ca/index.php/cswb/article/view/44/80
Greg Anderson, Adam Vaughan and Steven Mills have published. Congratulations!
Smith, M. G., & Flett, J. (2016). My heart fills with happiness. Victoria, BC: Orca Book Publishers.
Monique is a former JIBC Faculty member. This children's board book is a delightful read for adults as well. This book is the winner of the 2017 Christie Harris Illustrated Children's Book Prize (BC Book Prizes).
JIBC Library Call Number: PZ 7.1 G73 M9 2016
Thompson, A., Vaughan, A., Pearce, L., Moran, C. B. (2017). Perceptions of psychosocial training on behavioural responses in emergency operations centres. International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters, 35(1), 61-83.
Leon, A. Y. & Nadeau, D. M. (2017). Moving with water: Relationships and responsibilities. In D. Christian & R. Wong (Eds.), Downstream: Reimagining water (pp. 117-138). Waterloo, ON: Wilfrid Laurier University Press.
JIBC Call number: GB 665 D69 2017
Alannah Young Leon is an instructor with the JIBC Aboriginal Focusing-Oriented Therapy & Complex Trauma Certificate Program.
This book explores the key roles that culture, arts, and the humanities play in supporting health water-based ecology and provides local, global and Indigenous perspectives on water that help to guide our societies in a time of global warming.
Bernier, S. (2015). Disaster heroes. Suwanee, GA: Faith Books & MORE.
Suzanne Bernier teaches in the Bachelor of Emergency and Security Management Studies program.
This book “recounts the stories of ordinary men, women, and children who have done extraordinary things to help respond, rebuild, and recover from catastrophes around the world.”
Lund, A. (2017). Mounties on the cover. Edmonton, AB: University of Alberta Libraries.
JIBC Call number: HV 8158.7 R69 A44 2017
Former JIBC staff member and retired RCMP distinguished Staff Sergeant, Al Lund, has published! Over the course of 50 years Al amassed the largest ever collection of Mounties books, magazines, and comics. In his new books, he has published a selection of his favourite cover illustrations of Mounties.
Hunt, S. (2016). An introduction to the health of two-spirit people: Historical, contemporary and emergent issues. Prince George, BC: National Collaborating Centre for Aboriginal Health.
JIBC Call number: E 98 S48 H86 2016
Sarah Hunt has worked on numerous JIBC sexual exploitation research projects, including Restoring the Honouring Cirlce Manual
In 2014 Sarah was awarded the Governor General’s Gold Medal as SFU's most outstanding graduate student in the Fine Arts/Humanities/Social Sciences
Adam Vaughan, JIBC Research Project Manager, Centre for Applied Research has published. If you wish to read the full article, please contact Adam at avaughan@jibc.ca
Vaughan, A. D., Zabkiewicz, D. M. & Verdun-Jones, S. N. (2017). In custody deaths of men related to mental illness and substance use: A cross-sectional analysis of administrative records in Ontario, Canada. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine, 48, 1-8. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.flm.2017.03.002
Greg Anderson, Dean, Office of Applied Research and Graduate Studies:
Anderson, G. (2017). Guest editorial. International Journal of Information and Learning Technology, 34(2), 82. doi:10.1108/IJILT-01-2017-0005. Retrieved from http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/IJILT-01-2017-0005
And, Greg cites JIBC's Tannis Morgan, Associate Dean, JIBC, Centre for Teaching, Learning & Innovation
Morgan, T. (2016, July). Future considerations in the adoption of educational technologies. Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Communication Technologies in Education. Retrieved from http://www.icicte.org/Papers_ICICTE2016/0.2%20Keynote_Tannis%20Morgan.pdf
Dave Smulders, Instructional Designer, EMD has co-authored a book:
Pratt, D. D., & Smulders, D. (2016). Five perspectives on teaching: Mapping a plurality of the good (2nd ed.). Malabar, FL: Krieger Publishing.
JIBC Library Call Number: LC 5219 P73 2016
Rick Parent, JIBC instructor
Parent, R. B., & Ellis, J. O., III. (2011). Countering radicalization of diaspora communities in Canada. (Working Paper Series No. 11-12). Vancouver, BC: Metropolis British Columbia.
Call number: HV 6433 C2 P273 2011 or online at
Ron Bowles and colleagues have published. From Ron: the first publication is out on the study we did for Paramedic Association of Canada around the development of the new Canadian Paramedic Profile.
Tavares, W., Bowles, R., & Donelon, B. (2016). Informing a Canadian paramedic profile: Framing concepts, roles and
crosscutting themes. BMC Health Services Research, 16, 477. doi: 10.1186/s12913-016-1739-1
Retrieved from http://bmchealthservres.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12913-016-1739-1
Greg Anderson and colleagues:
Petersen, S., Anderson, G., Tipton, M., Docherty, D., Graham, T., Sharkey, B. J., & Taylor, N. A. S. (2016). Towards best practice in physical and physiological employment standards. Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism, 41(6, Suppl. 2), S47-S62. doi: 10.1139/apnm-2016-0003
Retrieved from http://www.nrcresearchpress.com/doi/pdf/10.1139/apnm-2016-0003
Vaughan, A. D., Moran, C. B., Pearce, L. D. R., & Hearty, L. (2016). The influence of organizational support on the life course of trauma in emergency responders from British Columbia. Journal of Workplace Behavioral Health. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1080/15555240.2016.1195693
Read the abstract here: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/15555240.2016.1195693
Petersen, S. R. & Anderson, G. S. (2016). Editorial. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism, 41, i – ii. dx.doi.org/10.1139/apnm-2016-0105
Ron Bowles and colleagues:
Steenkamp, M., Hutton, A. E., Ranse, J. C., Lund, A., Turris, S. A., Bowles, R., Arbuthnott, K., and Arbon, P. A. (2016). Exploring international views on key concepts for mass-gathering health through a Delphi process. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, 31(4), 1-11. doi:10.1017/S1049023X1600042X
Anderson, G. (2016). Guest editorial. International Journal of Information and Learning Technology, 33 (3), n.p. http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/IJILT-04-2016-0013
“Understanding how to support teaching and learning, and the learning needs of the next generation of learners, is important for students’ intellectual development and their readiness to contribute to a thriving economy upon graduation.”
Read the full editorial here:
Luc Lang of Technology Services at the JIBC participated in this National Digital Talent Strategy Survey.
This was a broad industry and academic survey seeking insight and identifying trends in Information and Communications Technology. The JIBC is acknowledged on page 4 of this report.
Information and Communications Technology Council. [2015]. Digital talent: Road to 2020 and beyond. Retrieved from http://www.ictc-ctic.ca/digital-talent-strategy/
Adam Vaughan is a PhD candidate and works as a researcher with the JIBC Office of Applied Research and Graduate Studies. His research at the JIBC focuses on the victimization and psychosocial well-being of emergency responders in Canada.
Vaughan, A. D., Hewitt, A. N., Andresen, M. A., & Brantingham, P. L. (2015). Exploring the role of the environmental context in the spatial distribution of calls-for-service associated with emotionally disturbed persons. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1093/police/pav040
Contact Adam if you wish to read this paper.
Anderson, G. S., Deluigi, F., Belli, G., Tentoni, C., & Gaetz, M. B. (2016). Training for improved neuro-muscular control of balance in middle aged females. Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies 20(1), 10-18. doi:10.1016/j.jbmt.2015.01.007
Available at: http://authors.elsevier.com/a/1SYlU4rR6w6NDx
Claire Yeung's book was recently reviewed. Read all about it here:
Claire Yeung teaches Labour Law in Canada and Human Resource Management in the BLES Program. Formerly an attorney, Claire is a Certified Whole Person Coach and has recently had the following book published:
Yeung, C. (2015). The eighty-year rule: What would you regret not doing in your lifetime? Bloomington, IN: iUniverse.
Available at the JIBC Library: BF 637 S4 Y48 2015
Ed Illi is an instructor with the LESD program in Victoria. After 29 years as a police officer in British Columbia, he accepted the position of Chief Conservation Officer for the Province of British Columbia. He has recently written a Foreward in the following book:
Anderson, T. D., Gisborne, K. D., & Holliday, P. N. (2012). Every officer is a leader: Coaching leadership, learning, and performance in justice, public safety, and security organizations (2nd Rev. ed). Bloomington, IN: Trafford.
Available in the JIBC Library: HV 7935 A53 2012
Anderson, G. S., & Bowles, R. (2015). Characteristics of the grey fleet in British Columbia. Road and Transport Research, 24(1), 27-36.
Contact Karen Hodson if you would like a copy of the article. khodson@jibc.ca
Note that the Library subscribes to the print version of Prehospital and Disaster Medicine
Lund, A., & Turris, S. A. (2015). Mass-gathering medicine: Risks and patient presentations at a 2-day electronic dance music event. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, 30(3), 271-278. doi:10.1017/S1049023X15004598
Monteith, R., & Pearce, L. D. R. (2015). Self-care decontamination within a chemical exposure mass-casualty incident.
Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, 30(3), 288-296. doi:10.1017/S1049023X15004677
Sheila Turris and Adam Lund are JIBC Research Associates with special interest/expertise in mass gathering medicine http://www.jibc.ca/research/research-associates Ron Bowles is Associate Dean, Office of Applied Research & Graduate Studies.
Young, M.M., Diedrich, K., Pirie, T., Lund, A., Turris, S., & Bowles, R. (2015). Preventing drug-and alcohol-related harms at music festivals in Canada. Ottawa, ON:: Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse.
Steve McCartney is the Coordinator of the Law Enforcement Studies Diploma Program at the JIBC. Before he retired from the Vancouver Police Department, he served in a number of capacities including Detective Constable with Strike Force, and VPD Homicide Unit. Rick Parent is an Associate Professor at SFU, School of Criminology. Rick's area of expertise includes police ethics and accountability and "suicide by cop."
McCartney, S. & Parent, R. (2015). Ethics in law enforcement. Victoria, BC: BCcampus. Retrieved from http://opentextbc.ca/ethicsinlawenforcement/
This newly published book is available in the Course Text section at the JIBC Library (HV 7924 M33 2015). It is also available for free download through the BCcampus Open Textbook Project (see link above).
Len Garis, was the Keynote speaker at the JIBC 2015 Applied Research Day and is Fire Chief for the City of Surrey. He has co-authored the following reports:
Maxim, P. S., Garis, L., Plecas, D., & Davies, M. (2015). The right decision: Evidence-based decision making for police service professionals. Abbotsford, BC: Centre for Public Safety and Criminal Justice Research, School of Criminology and Criminal Justice, University of the Fraser Valley.
JIBC Library Call Number: HV 7936 D54 M39 2015
Also available at: http://cjr.ufv.ca/the-right-decision-evidence-based-decision-making-for-police-service-professionals-report-and-workbook/
Maxim, P. S., Garis, L., & Plecas, D. (2013). The right decision: Evidence-based decision making for fire service professionals. Abbotsford, BC: Centre for Public Safety and Criminal Justice Research, School of Criminology and Criminal Justice, University of the Fraser Valley.
JIBC Library Call Number: TH 9158 M39 2013.
Also available at: http://www.surrey.ca/files/TheRightDecision.pdf
Dr. Rick Parent has a new chapter published:
Parent, R. (2015). Planning for major events on Aboriginal lands in Canada. In J. F. Albrecht, M. C. Dow, D. Plecas, & D. K. Das (Eds.), Policing major events: Perspectives from around the world (pp. 249-262). Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
JIBC Library Call Number: HV 8055 P65 2014
New Research Associate, Dr. Doug Abrahamson (MBA, Fellow, DPubPol). Key areas of interest: Police information use outcomes; police organizational planning & research capabilities and applications; risk management in policing.
Abrahamson, D. E., & Goodman-Delahunty, J. (2014). Impediments to information and knowledge sharing within policing: A study of three Canadian policing organizations. SAGE Open Journal, 4 (1), 1-17. doi: 10.1177/2158244013519363. Retrieved from http://sgo.sagepub.com/content/4/1/2158244013519363.full-text.pdf+html
Abrahamson, D. E., & Goodman-Delahunty, J. (2013). Organizational information culture and its impact on information use in policing: An exploratory study of three Canadian organizations. Journal of Information Research, 18 (4), paper 598. Retrieved from http://www.informationr.net/ir/18-4/paper598.html#.VMaysv7F8S4
Laurie Pearce, SIMTEC Research Chair, JIBC Centre for Applied Research, and colleagues, have had the following paper published:
Javor, A. J., Pearce, L. D. R., Thompson, A. J., & Moran, C. B. (2014). Modeling psychosocial decision making in emergency operations centres. International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters, 32 (3), 484-507. Retrieved from http://www.ijmed.org/articles/665/download/
Michel Tarko was appointed by the JIBC Board of Governors as President & CEO in October 2012 for a five-year term. Michel has lead partnership development between JIBC and Nicola Valley Institute of Technology (NVIT); Mercyhurst University in Erie, Pennsylvania; Canterbury Christchurch University, UK; Nangyang Polytechnic (NYP), Singapore; and Beijing Emergency Medical Services, China.
Michel earned his Doctor of Philosophy degree in Education (Curriculum & Instruction) from the University of British
Columbia, and holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Criminology from the University of Manitoba, as well as a Diploma in Psychiatric Nursing from the Manitoba School for Psychiatric Nursing
Michel has had the following chapter published. If you wish to take a look at the book/chapter, please contact Michel directly.
Tarko, M. (2015). Care of medically compromised persons. In W. Austin & M. A. Boyd (Eds.), Psychiatric & mental health nursing for Canadian practice (3rd ed.), (pp.831-852). Philadelphia, PA.: Wolters Kluwer.
Dr. Rick Parent is an Associate Professor at Simon Fraser University, School of Criminology - Police Studies. Dr. Parent completed 30 years of service as a police officer in the Vancouver area. He is also a former police recruit instructor at the Justice Institute of British Columbia – Police Academy and spent over 8 years as a crisis negotiator assigned to a regional Emergency Response Team. His research and expertise is in the area of international comparative policing, police ethics and accountability, the police response to the mentally ill and, the police use of lethal force including the phenomena of “suicide by cop”.
He is a senior researcher for the Canadian Network for Research on Terrorism, Security and Society (TSAS) and a frequent guest instructor at the JIBC Police Academy and, assessor for the JIBC Assessment Centre.
Parent, R., & Ellis, J.O., III. (2014, October). Extremism in Canada: Keeping control of extreme responses. Blue Line Magazine, 26(8), 20-22. Journal available at JIBC Library.
Read a great summary of how Rick Parent became who he is today!!
Parent, R. (2013). Rick Parent: One officer’s journey. In S. Brooks (Compiler and Arranger), Delta Police: Building on the past, focused on the future: 125 years: A tradition of excellence (pp. 93-95). Delta, BC: Delta Police Department.
Available at the Library at HV 8160 D447 D45 2013
Whitelaw, B., & Parent, B. (2014). Community-based strategic policing in Canada (4th ed.). Toronto, ON: Nelson Education. Available at the Library at HV 7936 C83 W45 2014
Sergeant Brad Fawcett is a 25 year veteran of the Vancouver Police Department and is currently a seconded instructor in the JIBC Police Academy, a position he has held for seven years. Currently he is the Use of Force Coordinator and is responsible for developing and implementing the Certified Use of Force Instructor Course. Brad also instructs the Non-Firearm Prohibited Weapons Identification Course, which develops experts for various contract agencies in the identification and use of prohibited weapons. He has instructed nationally and internationally in a variety of aspects of police training, most recently at the International Law Enforcement Forum in Belfast, Northern Ireland.
Brad is routinely asked to provide expert evidence in relation to use of force matters in public inquiries, Coroner’s Inquests, civil and criminal trials, and labour relations hearings. Brad is a sessional instructor in the LESD program in which he instructs applied ethics and professional communications. Brad is a graduate of Simon Fraser University and is completing his Masters degree at the University of the Fraser Valley.
Here are some of Brad’s recent publications (available at the JIBC Library in Blue Line Magazine)
Fawcett, B. (2014, November). Confirmation Bias: The blue lens viewed through tinted glasses. Blue Line Magazine, 26(9), 18-20.
Fawcett, B. (2014, June/July). Emotion’s role in the use of force: Wearing the unemotional mask of professionalism. Blue Line Magazine, 26(6), 14-15.
Fawcett, B. (2014, January). Disconnected training. Blue Line Magazine, 26(1), 20-21.
Sheila Turris and Adam Lund are JIBC Research Associates with special interest/expertise in mass gathering medicine http://www.jibc.ca/research/research-associates Ron Bowles is Associate Dean, Office of Applied Research & Graduate Studies. If you wish to read the full article, this issue will be in the Library in the next few weeks; or, contact rbowles@jibc.ca
Lund, A., Turris, S.A., & Bowles, R. (2014). Conceptualizing the impact of special events on community health service levels: An operational analysis. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine 29(5), 525-531. doi: 10.1017/S1049023X4000880
Hunt, S.E. (2014). Witnessing the colonialscape: Lighting the intimate fires of indigenous legal pluralism (Doctoral dissertation). Burnaby, BC: Simon Fraser University. Available from http://summit.sfu.ca/item/14145
JIBC Call number: E 78 C2 H868 2014
Sarah Hunt has worked on numerous JIBC sexual exploitation research projects, including Restoring the Honouring Cirlce Manual
Recently, Sarah was awarded the Governor General’s Gold Medal as SFU's most outstanding graduate student in the Fine Arts/Humanities/Social Sciences.
Greg Anderson has been busy as the Guest Editor and Co-Author of two papers (one with Ron Bowles) in Campus-Wide Information Systems (CWIS). Abstracts available here:
Anderson, G. S. (2014). Guest Editorial: Special issue: Digital uptake in higher education. Campus-Wide Information Systems, 31(4), 202.
Söderström, T., Åström, J., Anderson, G.S. & Bowles, R. (2014). A framework for the design of computer-assisted simulation training for complex police situations. Campus-Wide Information Systems, 31(4), 242-253.
Dogoriti, E., Pange, J., & Anderson, G.S. (2014). The use of social networking and learning management systems in English language teaching in higher education. Campus-Wide Information Systems, 31(4), 254-263.
In addition to his role as Associate Dean, JIBC Centre for Applied Research, Ron Bowles is President, Society for Prehospital Educators in Canada (SPEC).
Bowles, R. (2014). Excellence in paramedic education. Canadian paramedicine 37(3), 36-37. Retrieved from http://issuu.com/emsnews/docs/am14final Also availabe in-print at the JIBC Library
Read a great interview with Ron Bowles:
Jensen, J., Blanchard, I.E., & Bigham, B.L. (2014). Spotlight on science: Excellence in paramedic research. Canadian paramedicine 37(3), 19-20. Retrieved from http://issuu.com/emsnews/docs/am14final Also available in-print at the JIBC Library.
Murphy, B.L., Anderson, G.S., Bowles, R., & Cox, R.S. (2014). Planning for disaster resilience in rural, remote, and coastal communities: Moving from thought to action. Journal of Emergency Management 12 (2), 105-120. doi:10.5055/jem.2014.0165
Available in-print in the Library; or, access online by typing Journal of Emergency Management at this link: http://lc4mu8ej5g.search.serialssolutions.com/
Sheila Turris and Adam Lund are JIBC Research Associates with special interest/expertise in mass gathering medicine http://www.jibc.ca/research/research-associates Ron Bowles is Associate Dean, Office of Applied Research & Graduate Studies. If you wish to read the full article, please contact rbowles@jibc.ca
Turris, S.A., Lund, A., & Bowles, R. (2014). An analysis of mass casualty incidents in the setting of mass gatherings and special events. Disaster Medicine and Public Health 8(2), 143-149. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/dmp.2014.24
Limmer, D. et al. (2015). Emergency medical responder: A skills approach (4th ed.). Toronto, ON: Pearson.
Program Manager Jodie Marshall, and John Jacob, past Program Manager and current JIBC Faculty, both contributed to this book. It is a core text for our Emergency Medical Responder programs here at the JIBC, and at other training agencies across Canada. Jodie and John offered these contributions due to their involvement within paramedical practice in British Columbia, and their experience with educational design and program delivery. We’re very pleased to announce the acknowledgement!
This title will soon be available in the Library.
Ray Monteith worked as a researcher on the JIBC Applied Research Division's SIMTEC project. Greg Anderson (Dean, Office Of Applied Research & Graduate Studies) was his Project Sponsor and Laurie Pearce (Research Chair, JIBC) was his Academic Supervisor.
Monteith, R.G. (2013). Validation of a hazmat/cbrn decontamination protocol within a Canadian context. (Master's thesis, Royal Roads University, Victoria, BC)
JIBC Library Call Number: T 55.3 H3 M66 2013
Karla Gronsdahl was Program Manager, Youth Justice, Corrections & Community Justice Division of the JIBC until 2013.
Gronsdahl, K. (2013). Understanding the theoretical, legal and policy implications of the Youth Criminal Justice Act. (Doctoral dissertation, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC)
JIBC Library Call Number: KE 9445 G76 2013
Available online at: http://summit.sfu.ca/item/13482
Ron Bowles is Associate Dean, Office of Applied Research & Graduate Studies at the JIBC. Congratulations to Ron on the completion of his Ph.D!!
Bowles, R.R. (2013). From diagnosis to discernment: Fostering the development of clinical judgment of paramedic learners in immersive high fidelity simulations. (Doctoral dissertation, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC).
JIBC Library call number: R 847.5 B695 2013
Available online at: https://circle.ubc.ca/handle/2429/44556
Maureen McEvoy, MA, RCC, has been in private practice for over 20 years. She works with individuals, couples and groups and is a long-standing instructor with the JIBC, teaching other counsellors skills for working with survivors of child sexual abuse and other domestic traumas.
McEvoy, M. (2013). Balancing conflicting interests: A counsellor's guide to the legal process (3rd ed.). New Westminster, BC: School of Community & Social Justice, JIBC.
Available for loan at the JIBC Library: Call number KEB 560 E8 M33 2013
Gary Thandi, MSW, RSW is a JIBC Sessional Researcher and Manager of Family Services at DIVERSEcity He has recently had an article published in the peer-reviewed journal South Asian Diaspora.
Thandi, G. (2013). A tale of two clients: Criminal justice system failings in addressing the needs of South Asian communities of Surrey, British Columbia, Canada. South Asian Diaspora. 5(2), 211-221.
Monique Gray Smith is a JIBC Faculty member who recently developed the Graduate Certificate in Complex Trauma and Child Sexual Abuse Intervention.
Gray Smith, M. (2013). Tilly: A story of hope and resilience. Winlaw, BC: Sono Nis Press. JIBC Library: E 99 C88 S65 2013
Other titles by Gray Smith include: Hope, faith & empathy (2012) and The ripple effect of resiliency : strategies for fostering resiliency with indigenous children (2012).
These titles are available for loan from the JIBC Library.
Greg Anderson, Dean, Office of Applied Research and Graduate Studies
Anderson, G. & Whitefield, T. (2013). Guest editorial: Creating impactful e-learning experiences. Campus-Wide Information Systems: The International Journal of Information and Learning Technology, 30(3), 164.
Read the editorial
If you wish to borrow the full journal, please ask at the Library
Jack McGee is former President of the JIBC and has published a chapter in the following book:
McGee, J. (2013). Chapter 79: Jack McGee. In P. Legge, Lunch with Joe: Collected lessons & wisdom from business legend Joe Segal.(pp. 274-276). Burnaby, BC: Eaglet Publishing.
This book gathers together tales from more than 90 people who have met with, lunched with, and been inspired by, Joe Segal.
Ron Bowles is Associate Dean, Office of Applied Research & Graduate Studies at the JIBC.
Bowles, R.R. (2013). High fidelity simulation in Canadian paramedic education.
Canadian paramedicine, 36(4), 40-41.
This journal is available on Display in the Library if you wish to read the article.
Linda Light is a Research Associate in Applied Research at the JIBC.
Linda’s interests include: family and sexual violence against women and children; the particular challenges faced by immigrant women who are victims of violence; empowerment of women; the criminal justice system response to family and sexual violence.
Light, L. (2012). Violence against women and their children in BC: 33 years of recommendations. Updated November 2012. Vancouver, BC: Ending Violence Association of BC.
This report is available at the JIBC Library: HQ 809.3 C26 L547 2012 or as a PDF.