Please consider supporting the JIBC Library with a donation through The JIBC Foundation. Your gift gives 27,000 justice and public safety professionals throughout British Columbia greater access to the most relevant information in their fields of expertise.
JIBC has a highly specialized library - the only one of its kind in North America.
Your generosity buys books and library resources so that our students, learning together, can acquire the knowledge they need to help make your community a safer place. Your donation provides access to critical information and educational resources.
By supporting our education and training, you give 27,000 justice, public safety and human services professionals throughout B.C. greater access to the most relevant information in their fields so their expertise is available at those times when you may need their help the most.
All donors will be mailed a charitable gift receipt as per Canada Revenue Agency guidelines.
Thank you and we look forward to your support!
Please support the JIBC Library.
Donate here.