Lexis+ Canada (from LexisNexis) provides access to Canadian case law, legislation, boards and tribunals, Canadian and US law journals and the Canada Digest. In addition, general legal textbooks are also available full-text online.
Use the search box and enter a phrase, topic, citation (e.g. 2009 SCJ 61), or source (e.g. The Law Evidence in Canada).
Use Boolean searching to strengthen your searches:
Boolean Search Operator | Explanation |
" ... " - quotation marks | Use quotation marks for an exact phrase e.g. “age discrimination” |
AND | Both words have to be in the document e.g. software AND firmware |
OR | Only one of the words needs to be in the document e.g. ship OR vessel |
/n | First word has to be within N words of the second word e.g. employee /15 responsibility |
! - exclamation mark or * asterisk |
Use the root of your word with the root expander at the end to find all possible endings of your word e.g. acqui* finds acquire, acquisition, acquiring, etc |
Treatment signals let you see how a case has been judicially considered. Simply click on the signal beside each case to link to the QuickCITE Citator record and view: the History of a case as it moves through the courts, the list of Citing Cases and links to Commentary to help you understand legal issues.