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LAWS-4003 - Capstone

Find Secondary Datasets

Secondary datasets are existing sets of data collected for purposes other than your current research. Researchers use secondary datasets to analyze, interpret, or draw conclusions based on pre-existing data, saving time and resources compared to collecting new data.

Open Data

Not all secondary datasets are accessible to researchers. You need to make sure you're using data that is not just publicly available but that is licensed for reuse. These datasets are called 'open data'. 

For example, the British Columbia Government has an 'Open Government License' that states: 

You are free to: 

  • Copy, modify, publish, translate, adapt, distribute or otherwise use the information in any medium, mode or format for any lawful purpose.

Explore the websites below to find open data you can analyze for your Capstone project.  This is not an exhaustive list, please feel free to explore other reliable secondary data sources you find. 

Canadian Open Data

Provincial Open Data

Police Department Data*

*Read license to make sure your use falls within allowed uses.