Educational exceptions in the Copyright Act allow specific uses of copyrighted work for educational purposes, without payment or permission from the copyright owner, provided certain conditions are met.
Note: The library subscribes to digital resources, use of which are governed by license agreements with content providers. Licenses take precedent over legislative allowances.
Members of the JIBC community (students, staff, and faculty) are permitted to reproduce, share, or stream works available through the internet, provided:
Members of the JIBC community (students, staff, and faculty) are permitted to reproduce copyright-protected works for display in class, such as lecture slides, for teaching and training purposes, provided the works are not commercially available in an appropriate format.
Please note: what you can display in the classroom may be different from what you can distribute to students (e.g. as a handout or post in Brightspace by D2L). Before distributing presentation slides containing copyright-protected works by others, ensure that:
Members of the JIBC community (students, staff, and faculty) are permitted to reproduce, translate, perform, or communicate electronically copyright-protected works for tests or exams, provided the works are not commercially available in an appropriate format.
Members of the JIBC community (students, staff, and faculty) are permitted to give live performances of copyright-protected works, such as plays, provided:
Members of the JIBC community (students, staff, and faculty) are permitted to make a single copy of a news program (excluding documentaries) for display, provided:
Members of the JIBC community (students, staff, and faculty) are permitted to show DVDs and videos on campus without permission or Public Performance Rights, provided:
Members of the JIBC community (students, staff, and faculty) are permitted to play sound recordings on campus without permission, provided:
Under Section 30.01 of the Copyright Act, you may record a lesson or test/exam that includes educational exceptions materials in order to share the lesson with students. You must adhere to the following rules:
Students may reproduce a lesson in order to listen or view it at a later date. The student must destroy the reproduction within 30 days of receiving their final course evaluation.
The material on this page was adapted from Langara's copyright website (Educational Exceptions page) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.