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Copyright Guide for Faculty: Permissions

When to Request Permission

it is sometimes necessary to obtain permission from the copyright holder in order to copy their work. Otherwise, you may be held personally liable and subject to the penalties outlined in the Copyright Act. The JIBC Library will obtain permission on you behalf. 


The most common reasons to request permission are if the material is not covered by either:

  • Fair Dealing; or
  • A licensing agreement.

Orphan Works

Orphan Works

Orphan works are materials that are still in copyright but for which the copyright owner is unknown or cannot be located. This does not give you permission to copy the work; you must still seek permission to use the work if the amount to be copied or distributed exceeds the limit allotted under Fair Dealing.

Permission to use orphan works are directed to the Copyright Board of Canada. You can find out more on their Unlocatable Owners page.

Requesting Permission

Ask Yourself 3 Questions Before Asking For Permission

  1. Is permission actually necessary? Does your copying fall within the Fair Dealing Guidelines or another exception in the Copyright Act? If so, you do not need to ask for permission.
  2. Is the item already available electronically somewhere? Check if the Library has the item electronically and if so provide a link.
  3. If permission is essential, contact the Library who will inquire about permission on your behalf. There may be a permission fee charged by the copyright owner. However, you will be advised before the Library proceeds with finalizing this transaction.

If you must still request permission, note that securing permission can take considerable time. Make sure to provide as much information as possible to the library when making your request.

  • Allow the library 4-6 weeks lead time in order to make a request.
  • Ensure that you provide the Library with all necessary information:
    • Work information (title, author, date of publication)
    • Amount to be copied (only if you will be exceeding Fair Dealing Guidelines)
    • Course information (name of course, number of students, frequency held)
  • Submit the request to

Acknowledging Sources

Once we receive formal permission to use material (be it documentation, images, video, etc.), it must be acknowledged in course materials.

Citation Format

Provide complete citations for your sources. When incorporating other people's materials (quotes, summaries) into your course reading or presentations:

  • This includes in-text citations and a Reference List at the end.
  • JIBC uses APA style for citing sources. See the library's APA Style Guide for more information.

Copyright Notice Format

If we have obtained permission to copy someone else's material for you, you must acknowledge this on the work itself. You should follow any special wording stipulated by the grantor, or use the below format. Just replace the underlined parts with the appropriate information:


Creator/authorsource.  Reproduced by permission from copyright owner.  Further copying is not allowed, except as otherwise permitted by law.

For example, if we have permission to copy and distribute two chapters (permission needed as this amount exceeds fair dealing guidelines) of the book, "The mediation process: practical strategies for resolving conflict" by Christopher Moore and published by Jossey-Bass, you would attach the following notice:

Christopher Moore, The mediation process: practical strategies for resolving conflict.  Reproduced by permission from Jossey-Bass.  Further copying is not allowed, except as otherwise permitted by law.