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APA 7th edition - Paper Format: Overall Paper

The Overall Paper

How to Format Rudimentary Elements - Tutorial

  • 1 inch (2.54cm) on all sides, include top, bottom, and left and right sides. Example of line spacing for overall paper format.
Page Header & Number: 
  • Include a page number in top right corner of all pages, including: title page, reference pages, and appendix pages.
    • Page number should be the same font as the rest of the paper.
  • Running head:
    • Student Style: No running head
    • Professional Style: Include a running head 
  • Acceptable fonts include: 10-point Lucida Sans Unicode, 11-point Arial, 11-point Calibri, 11-point Georgia, and 12-point Times New Roman.
  • Use the same font throughout the paper.
  • Check with your instructor if they have a specific font requirement.
Line Spacing:
  • The entire paper, including the title page, references pages, and block quotations, should be double-spaced. To double-space your paper, set the line spacing to “2.0.” 
  • Do not include additional spacing between paragraphs or before or after headings. 
  • There are a few exceptions to double spacing, such as in tables and figures (see below).
Paragraph Alignment and Indentation: 
  • Paragraphs should be aligned to the left of the page (left justified). The text on the right margin will be uneven (i.e. do not use full justification). 
  • The first line of all paragraphs should be indented, except the abstract (Note: most student papers do not require an abstract).
    • The first line of each paragraph should be indented by ½ inch (or 1.27cm). For consistency throughout your paper, click your “Tab” key one time.
  • Use a Hanging Indent for all reference citations (see Reference List - Format section below for more information)
See Additional Resources for more.