How to Format a Reference List - Tutorial

- Type the label “References” in bold font, centre aligned at the top of the page, following Title Casing.
Alignment and Indentation:
- Double-space all entries in the reference list.
- Use a hanging indent for all references
- The first line of the reference should be flush to the left margin and all subsequent lines should be indented.
- This can be achieved using the ruler tool on the word processor.
- Some word processors, such as Microsoft Word, may have a keyboard shortcut to achieve this, e.g. “CTRL” and “T”
Reference Entries:
- Reference list entries should be arranged in order of author’s last name.
- Do not re-arrange the authors within the reference list by alphabetical order.
- Be consistent in presenting hyperlinks:
- If you chose to include the hyperlink for one entry, then include the hyperlink for all applicable entries. If you chose to remove the hyperlink for one entry, then remove the hyperlink for all applicable entries.
- It is recommended to remove all hyperlinks if you are handing your paper in as a physical print out.
The JIBC Library's APA Guide provides many examples for different types of reference list entries: Reference List Examples
More details on formatting a reference list are here: Format a Reference List