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Ares Course Reserves: Student Information

A Guide to Ares - JIBC's electronic course reserve system

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Trouble with an Item?

If you are having trouble viewing an item in Ares, please email

Hot Lists

You also can create a hot list of readings that you will use often or are of particular interest to you. This provides easy access to those specific items.

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Email Notifications

In the Course Details section, you have the option of subscribing to email notifications by entering your email address.

Once an item is processed and made available, you will receive an email.

Accessing Course Readings in Blackboard

Ares Course Reserves is a repository for class readings and visual aids. It allows you to access all your course readings in one convenient place.

To access your course readings, click on the Course Readings or Ares Course Reserves link in your Blackboard course. 

Select an item to view. If the list is long, you can filter using item tags.

All items added to Ares have been vetted for copyright compliance prior to being made available.