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LibCal Support for JIBC Staff: Appointment Booking Form


When students schedule an appointment with you, they need to fill out a form. By default, the form will ask for the patron's name and email address. You can customize the form to add additional questions, up to 10 in total. 

Customize personal appointment booking forms and set up overrides by going to Appointments > Booking Forms.

Create and Configure a New Form

  1. In the Forms panel, click the Add New Form button. 
  2. In the Form Name field, enter a name to describe your new form.
  3. Click the Save & Continue button. This will take you to the Modify Booking Form page, where you add custom form fields. 

Form Preview

The Form Preview panel provides a real-time look at your form, exactly as it will display to patrons. This can help you fine tune your form's layout to your liking.

Add Booking Form Fields

Every booking form has required name and email address fields. Although these cannot be removed, you can add fields to the booking form to request additional information from patrons. The types of fields you can add are:

  • Radio buttons: multiple choice field where a single option can be selected from a list of buttons.
  • Checkboxes: multiple choice field where one or more options can be selected from a group of checkboxes.
  • Dropdown: multiple choice field where a single option can be selected from a dropdown menu.
  • Single-line text: a one-line text input field, best suited for collecting short text responses.
  • Multi-line text: a text area field that is best suited for collecting long text responses.

To add a field to your booking form:

  1. Click the Add New Question button. This will open the Add New Question modal window.
  2. In the Text field, enter a label for the field (i.e. the question you want to ask).
  3. From the Type dropdown, select the type of field you want to add (see the list above for an overview).
  4. For the Required option, you can choose to make the question required or optional. When set to required, users will have to respond to it in order to submit your form.
  5. If you selected one of the multiple-choice field types:
    1. Click the Add Answer Selection button to add an answer option.
    2. In its Answer text field, enter the text label for that option.
    3. If you need to remove an option from the list, click its trash can icon.
  6. When finished configuring your new field, click on the Save button to add it to your form.