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LibCal Support for JIBC Staff: Appointments Usage Statistics


The statistics for Appointments include:

  • Summary Report: shows all appointment activity, including the number of LibCal appointment users, the total hours of added availability, the number of confirmed and cancelled appointments, and the data on who did and did not show up for their appointment.
  • Distribution Reports: view the distribution of appointments on a monthly, weekly, daily and hourly basis, including with other factors like the specific user, location, and category.

More departmental reports are available upon request, for more information, please contact Crystal Yin, Electronic Resources and Systems Librarian at

Generate a Statistics Reports

  1. Go to Stats > Appointments.
  2. Use the filters at the top of the page to customize your statistics report.
    • a. Use the Appointments User field to filter the report to a single user, multiple users, or show all users at once.
    • b. If your system has appointment categories enabled, use the Appointment Category field to filter the report to a single category, multiple categories, or show all categories at once.
    • c. Use the Location field to filter the report to a single location, multiple locations, or show all locations at once.
    • d. If you selected a specific location, you can use the Group field to filter the report to a specific group in that location, multiple groups in that location, or show all groups in that location at once.
    • e. Use the Date Picker to limit your report by date range.
  3. When finished selecting your filters, click the Go button to generate the report.
    • f. To export your generated stats to a CSV file, click on the Export Data button.

Appointments Summary Report

This report provides a system-level summary of all appointment activity, based upon the filters you've selected. This includes:

  • The overall number of LibCal users with appointment availability in the specified date range.
  • The total number of available hours added to schedules.
  • The total number of confirmed appointments.
  • The total number of canceled appointments.
  • The number and percentage of users marked as having showed up (Yes) vs. not showed up (No), along with the number of appointments where the showed up status has not been selected (Unrecorded).

Example of an Appointments Summary report.

Distribution Reports

There are several reports available that allow you to analyze the overall distribution of appointments:

  • Monthly
  • Daily
  • Daily Distribution per Location with Availability
  • Daily Distribution per Category with Bookings
  • More...

Examples of distribution reports:

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