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Writing Skills: Proofreading

Academic writing skills



Proofreading is “to read and mark corrections” (Merriam-Webster Dictionary, 2023). It is reading through your paper to catch any mistakes in spelling or grammar.

Proofreading is different from editing. With proofreading, you are mainly looking at basic grammar and spelling errors. With editing, you are looking at the paper in a broader sense to make sure it meets your assignment requirements and is properly structured.

Simple mistakes can make you lose valuable marks on an assignment or essay. These mistakes can be easily prevented by proofreading your work.  Read through this Guide for helpful tips on catching those errors!

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Reading through your paper will catch any errors that spellcheck did not catch.

  • Read your paper or assignment out loud.
  • Ask yourself the following questions:
    • Does it sound right?
    • Does everything make sense?
    • Do you notice any spelling mistakes while you are reading?
    • Are you missing any punctuation?
    • Did you address all the assignment requirements?
  • Leave the paper for seveal hours (even overnight) and re-read it with fresh eyes.
  • Have a friend or family member read your paper and provide feedback.

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What Questions to Ask When Proofreading


  • Does the essay have an introduction and conclusion?
  • Is my thesis clearly stated in the introduction?
  • Do all paragraphs relate to the thesis?
  • Are the paragraphs organized logically?
  • Does each paragraph have a point?
  • Am I within my word/page limit?


  • Have I met all the assignment requirements?
  • Do I support my thesis or argument?
  • Is my argument complete?
  • Is my argument consistent?
  • Have I provided evidence to support my claims?
  • Are there any points missing?
  • Have I checked all my facts?


  • Have I added my own voice/analysis to the information I am using?
  • Am I using the correct tense (past, present, future)?
  • Am I writing in a passive voice too much?
  • Have I added unnecessary words?
  • Have I avoided run-on sentences?
  • Do I repeat the same word (verb or adjective) constantly?
  • Does the phrasing make sense?


  • Have I referenced my sources?
  • Does each fact have an in-text citation?
  • Does each citation have an entry in the reference list?
  • Am I consistent in my citation style? (APA at the JIBC)