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Start Your Research: Statistics

Statistics Databases

Statistics databases allow you to search for articles from many different magazines, newspapers and journals at the same time.

You will find many of these articles through the SEARCH ME! box; however, if you wish to search article databases separately, here are the ones to get you started!

A-Z Database List more databases to choose from ... 

Database Search Tips

1. Use the * [asterisk] at the end of a word to find all endings: 


2. Use OR when you're not sure what terms to use: 


3. Use AND for fewer, but more precise, hits.  For best results, use the separate search boxes and the drop-down AND in ADVANCED SEARCH

  • e.g. First Search Box:  STATISTIC* AND
  • Second Search Box:  POLICE* OR LAW ENFORCEMENT
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All online resources denoted by this symbol are available only to
JIBC students and faculty. Enter:

  • Students: enter student number and password
  • Faculty & Staff: enter network/desktop credentials
Icon Open Access
Icon Canadian Content
Icon Best Bet


Because anyone can publish anything on the internet, it is very important to determine that the information you have found on a website comes from a reliable and authoritative sourceSo, how do you evaluate a website?

Ask yourself these questions when you are evaluating a website. Your answers will help you decide if the site appears to be a reliable source of information. In addition, we have provided a number of links to excellent guides for website evaluation. 

  • Is the author/producer easy to identify?
  • Are the author’s credentials listed? 
  • Is the author’s affiliation easy to determine (e.g. university, government)
  • Are there errors or discrepancies on the site?  
  • Is the content appropriate for your needs?
  • Is there sufficient coverage of the topic?
  Currency   Objectivity
  • Can you find the date that the site was created?
  • Was the site updated recently?
  • Do the links on the site work?
  • Is the information factual or opinion?
  • Is the site trying to sell something that seems too good to be true?  
  • Is the information consistent with other sources you’ve found?
  • Is the source of the information provided?


Visualization Tools (Open Access)

Factors to Consider When Evaluating Statistics


  • Who collected it?
  • Was it an individual or organization or agency? 
  • The data source and the reporter or citer are not always the same. For example, advocacy organizations often publish data that were produced by some other organization. When feasible, it is best to go to the original source (or at least know and evaluate the source).
  • If the data are repackaged, is there proper documentation to lead you to the primary source? Would it be useful to get more information from the primary source? Could there be anything missing from the secondary version?


  • How widely known or cited is the producer? Who else uses these data?
  • Is the measure or producer contested?
  • What are the credentials of the data producer?
  • If an individual, are they an expert on the subject?
  • If an individual, what organizations are they associated with? Could that association affect the work?

Objectivity & Purpose

  • Who sponsored the production of these data?
  • What was the purpose of the collection/study?
  • Who was the intended audience for or users of the data?
  • Was it collected as part of the mission of an organization? Or for advocacy? Or for business purposes?


  • When were the data collected? Not always close to when they were released or published -- there is often a time lag between collection and reporting because of the time required to analyze the data.
  • Are these the newest figures? Sometimes the newest available figures are a few years old. That is okay, as long as you can verify that there isn't something newer.

Collection Methods & Completeness

  • How are the data collected? Count, measurement or estimation?
  • Even a reputable source and collection method can introduce bias. Crime data come from many sources, from victim reports to arrest records.
  • If a survey, what was the total population -- how does that compare to the size of the population it is supposed to represent?
  • If a survey, what methods used to select the population included, how was the total population sampled?
  • If a survey, what was the response rate?
  • What populations included? Excluded?

Consistency / Verification

  • Do other sources provide similar numbers?
  • Can the numbers be verified?

Source: Gould Library Research Guides