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Start Your Research: Top Resources

Basic Search Tips

The rule of thumb for searching is:

  • Start with a keyword search
  • Use AND to narrow your search results (e.g. VIOLENCE AND CHILDREN)
  • Use OR to find more results (e.g. VIOLENCE OR AGGRESSION)
  • Use the * at the end of words to find all endings (e.g. VIOLEN* = VIOLENCE OR VIOLENT)


Search Me! Discovery Service

Type your keyword(s) into the SEARCH ME! box at 
You will be presented with a list of RESULTS, which includes Books, eBooks, DVDs, Streamed Media and Journal Articles.

Use the left-hand sidebar "Refine Results"  to limit by date or Source Type (book, video, article, eBook, etc)

Check the right-hand sidebar to "Continue Your Search" in additional resources such as Case Law and Legislation, 3D Anatomy & Physiology, Canadian Newspapers and more streamed media.

Books & Media

If you only want to find books & DVDs on the shelf in the Library, click on the link above, or, put a check-mark in  the JIBC Catalogue box when you start your search in the SEARCH ME! box.  You can always remove this limit later.

Subject Guides

A great starting point for your research, providing direction towards books, DVDs, web resources and journal article databases specific to your topic of interest. 

Subject Guide topics range from Aboriginal Studies to Threat Management and many more topics in-between (Conflict Resolution, Criminology, Fire, Paramedics and Research Methods, to name a few). 


Discover books and DVDs owned by the Library.  Over 60 bibliographies are available in-print or online.

Topics covered include Anatomy & Physiology, Conflict Resolution, Firefighting Basics, Police Use of Force, Public Speaking, Team Building, Vehicle Extrication, Writing for the Workplace, and more.