Research is like online shopping. You can add filters to see better results.
Common filters:
When searching in the library, you can add filters using the left-side menu called "Refine Results".
Under "Limit To" there are five filter options which will automatically refresh the page to update your search.
Under "Source Types" you will see different types of sources and the number of results that each one has using your current search terms and filters.
You can check one or multiple boxes to show only resources that are a specific type. Click "Show More" to see the full list of source types.
Under "Subject" you will see the different subjects associated with the results of your current search terms and filters.
You can select one or more of these subject terms to narrow your search down even further. Click "Show More" to see the full list of subject terms.
This list may also be useful to help you understand what subject terms are being used by authors.
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